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Trend Analysis Instagram Story Template

Instagram Story


Design details

Capture the essence of market intelligence with this sleek Instagram story template, featuring a minimalist design with a focus on trend analysis. The soothing pastel green background harmonizes with the undulating line graph, symbolizing sales trends and market demand. It’s designed for clarity, allowing the message of growth and high demand to resonate.

Tailor this template with Linearity Curve, where you can adjust the graph to reflect your data, alter text for specificity, and infuse brand colors for uniformity. For those embracing the dynamic edge, Linearity Move can animate the graph’s progress line, making your data not only informative but also impressively interactive.

Utilizing this template positions you as a thought leader in your field. It allows you to share valuable insights with your audience, who rely on your expertise. Whether you're showcasing quarterly results or forecasting future trends, this template ensures your narrative is compelling and your presentation, impeccable.

Published on:



Marketing, Small business


Infographic, Ad banners


Pastel, Minimalist

How to download Linearity Curve & Move Templates

  • Click 'Open Template', and your chosen design will download automatically.
  • Open the file in your Mac (or iPad) Downloads folder.
  • With Linearity Curve or Move installed, the template appears in your Linearity Cloud Gallery.
  • Don't have Linearity Curve or Move yet? Quickly download them to start using the template. Download Curve and download Move.

How to use Linearity Curve and Move Templates

It’s important to remember that all the elements within our templates are fully customizable, so feel free to use as much or as little of the already existing layout, colors, fonts, images, and shapes as desired.

Also, leverage all our intuitive features, such as: the AI background replacement feature, import from Figma with our plugin, Brush tool, Pen tool, Shape Builder tool, Auto Trace, Background Removal. In Linearity Move you can also use Auto animate, GIF export, Animation presets and Design and animate mode. Let our templates be the starting point for your limitless creativity!

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